It started off well. We found cups that were the perfect size to hold just the right amount of egg dye so that the eggs were pretty well submerged and didn't need too much attention once they were in there.
Everyone was in good spirits and excited to get started. And check me out with the easily wipe-able, protect the new dining room table, tablecloth!
In case you didn't know, egg dyeing is very serious business.
Waiting for eggs....
Turning and checking....
Posing for so-sweet family pictures. Awww!
And then this happened. Jacques* picked up the green cup, and before we knew it, the cup tipped and green dye was running all over said wipe-able tablecloth and onto the dining room rug. Nothin' like a little green dye to spice up an otherwise fairly neutral rug. I even convinced myself, at one point, that it wasn't that noticeable. Oh, it was. It was very noticeable. Especially after setting into the carpet fibers overnight, at which point the color really seemed to intensify. Claire informed me that it smelled quite terrible, too. I'd just like to say, if OxyClean is looking for a new spokesperson, what with the passing of Billy Mays (may his soul rest in peace), they don't have to look any further. Some of the powder, sprinkled directly on the rug and scrubbed out the next day, and the stain is almost gone. Now, it truly is not that noticeable, and that's not my Mommy hallucinations talking.
*Names have been changed to protect the innocent
Following that OxyClean commercial, we bring you back to our regularly scheduled programming. It was like some kind of out-of-Betsy experience, as I did not freak about the egg dye at all. Whatevs. We cleaned it up as best as we could at that point, and kept having fun. Oh yeah. Watch out, world! I'm finally loosening up! Two kids under the age of 27 months will do that to you, I think. They break you down, baby.
Meanwhile, are those eyelashes not to die for? I'm so jealous.
Okay, I confess. The real reason I don't care about that rug stain? Because the rug cost $99 at TJMaxx and I purposely bought it with the idea that it is completely disposable, looks good for now, but will probably be replaced once the children learn how to eat like civilized human beings that do not spill more food on the floor than they consume in one sitting. I still consider not freaking out about the green stain progress. Big progress. Easter week, egg dye incidents, this week playdoh ground into the white carpet, next week puddle jumping? Who knows where it will end???
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