Let's start by saying, boy did this kid like to sleep. Swaddle him up, stick him in the bouncy seat, and that was it. He would sleep for 3 or 4 hours straight. Wake up, eat, poop, repeat. Jack literally slept through the first 5 weeks of his life. I'm pretty sure there are about 725 pictures of Jack sleeping. I was so grateful to have a calm, easygoing baby after what Claire had put us through when she was a baby. I spent my entire pregnancy with Jack anxious about how I would take care of a 27 month old and a newborn because the only newborn I knew was Screaming Crying Claire Elizabeth. Whenever I pictured life with another newborn, I pictured walking around and doing the bouncing-patting-shushing-rocking-holding-the-pacifier-in-the-mouth routine I was used to. Thankfully, that was never the case. In fact, I don't ever remember having to do that routine even once with Jack (though I could be having selective memory problems). We were blessed and I was beyond thankful.
Sleeping...and looking very thoughtful. I remember the first night we realized we could actually eat dinner at the same time and have Jack sleep or sit in the bouncy seat. When Claire was a baby we had to eat in shifts because she had to be held all of the time. If we set her down she screamed, and we refused to just let her cry so that we could eat together. Instead, we took turns eating and holding. Jack, on the other hand, was completely content to just hang in the bouncy seat not only during dinner, but any time we needed him to sit and relax so that we could get something done.
Uh, yup...sleeping again!
One of my most favorite pictures from when Jack was a newborn. And look! He's actually awake!
My sweet babies
Sleeping...again. Only this time, we were outside. I remember this day so clearly. Jack was about 10 or 11 days old and it was a gorgeous day. All Claire wanted to do was go outside and blow bubbles. All Jack wanted to do was nurse. Luckily, Claire was very patient and was such a good big sister. We tried to go out, only to have Jack start screaming. We went back inside, I fed him (again), and finally, we made it back out.
I think Claire only got about 15 minutes of bubble blowing in before it was time to go in for lunch and her nap. And so began my quest to try and keep everyone happy and balanced...
I wasn't kidding. There are a lot of pictures of Jack sleeping. If I hadn't taken sleeping baby pictures, I would have no pictures of Jack as a newborn!
We went to the zoo when Jack was about 2 weeks old. Clearly, he loved it there!
Sleeping on Mama, still at the zoo.
Sleeping on Mama after a long day at the zoo.
I know I'm biased, but we obviously have the cutest kids. Ever.
When Jack was 3 weeks old we took the kids to Strong Museum. Yes, Jack slept through the whole trip. I know you're shocked.
I promise, the next installment of Vintage Jack will have pictures of him actually awake and lovin' life...
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