Uh, so...it's been awhile since I posted. Again. Turns out, we really just aren't that interesting, and I haven't had much to post about. There was a general theme in my last few posts, complaining about how winter was taking too long, and how we were really going stir crazy. Guess what? It finally warmed up. Yesterday it was over 75* for the first time in months (and months and months). We've had a few warm-ish days here and there, but yesterday was the warmest yet. It gave me hope that winter really is over and that we will, once again, be outside in shorts. Really. Even though it was starting to seem like we were going to be wearing boots and mittens for the rest of our lives.
A few pictures from the last couple of weeks:
First time outside on the new bike! It involved a lot of "Push! Push! Push the pedals!!" from me and a lot of, "I'm stuck!" from Claire, but 20 minutes later we had made it around our little block and back home. Claire's already getting faster and more confident though!
Someone's looking huge in the stroller all of a sudden!
A natural. Obviously the next Lance Armstrong. She'll be wearing a yellow jersey in no time.
And chalk...I think we played with every outdoor spring toy we own in the 45 minutes that we were outside that day!
Chalk push-ups. What, you haven't heard of them yet? It's the newest exercise craze.
Check out those cupcakes. And be jealous. They are indeed rainbow striped and made from a crapload of food coloring. But they are incredibly cool to look at, and were a lot of fun to make!
Is there something on my nose?
This is what one looks like upon completion of said food coloring-laced rainbow striped cupcakes.
We planted seeds to start a little herb garden! This was about 2 weeks ago. The seeds started sprouting, and have already started dying. I'm not much of a gardener...
First trip of the year to Washington Street playground!
The last time we were there, last fall, Jack wasn't really big enough to play by himself. This big boy doesn't need help from me anymore!
"And I do my little turn on the catwalk...yeah, on the catwalk..."
Next up: Jack turns 2. **Sob**